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Student Support Groups

School Counseling Student Support Groups

In addition to the classroom guidance curriculum for all students Pre-K-1, several student support groups are offered throughout the school year.  More may be developed and implemented upon student need.

Why Student Support Groups?

Student Support groups provide an opportunity for additional personal and social skill building.  They provide a chance for students to share with others, be a part of a group, feel special, and increase their sense of belonging.

Student Support Groups

Friendship Group:  This group is designed to give students extra support in the area of friendships.  Students who might need additional skills to help make friends and keep friends could benefit from this group.

Cool Cats Group:  This group is designed to give students extra support in the area of anger management including understanding anger, where it comes from, and how to handle it from there without harming themselves or others.

Marvelous Me Group:  This is a group to help students who need a boost with self esteem. This group is designed to help students feel a sense of belonging and feel empowered within themselves to not only like themselves, but stand up for their needs.

**Other groups can formed based on the needs of the students at that time. Please contact me with any specific concerns you may have about your student.

How does the referral process work?

As a part of individual student planning within the delivery system in a comprehensive school counseling program, the counselor establishes small student support groups each year based on the needs of students.

Your child may be included in one of the small groups offered if you and/or your child’s teacher feels the need. Referrals can be made directly through me or through your child’s teacher. If your child has been selected for a small group offering, then you will receive a notice home indicating that group has started as well as the details of the group including goals and objectives, as well as a parent permission form to be signed and returned.

Small groups typically begin after parent teacher conferences.  This is so the teachers have enough time to get to know their student’s needs as well as talk to parents at parent teacher conferences about any concerns they have regarding their child.
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s referral or participation in group, please feel free to contact me.

**Please keep in mind that these groups are specifically for students who need the extra support outside the general school counseling curriculum. While I realize these groups can benefit all students, I also have to consider the size of the group to be sure that the materials can be adequately covered in the amount of time given.  Large groups sizes are not proven to be developmentally appropriate nor as successful as small group sizes.  Thanks for  your understanding with this! If your child is referred for tier 2 intervention into one of my small group offerings, I will be sure to serve them in small group within the school year referred.