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Campus Information & Office Procedures

Dixie Hansel Elementary serves students in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. This campus is also home to the KISD employee childcare center. 

Phone: (940) 482-2605 

Address: 1513 Sequoia Dr., Krum Texas 76249

Campus Start & Dismissal Times

7:55 am- 3:30 pm

Early Release Dismissal: 11:55am

Visiting/Checkout Procedures

We love and welcome visitors at Dixie Hansel Elementary.  For the safety of our students it is our policy that every guest must check in at the front office.  We enjoy frequent smiling faces but each visit will require checking in with our office.

When checking a student out, you will be required to sign them out on our computer system and it will print a dismissal slip to present to the teacher.

Dixie Hansel Elementary

Drop off and Pick up Procedures

School hours are 7:40 to 3:15

Doors open at 7:15 each morning

You MUST have your child’s car tag in order to pick them up. We WILL NOT release a student to anyone who does not have a car tag, you would need to come inside the Hansel office and present a valid drivers license.

Thanks for your help in following all drop off and pick up procedures. The safety of our students is our number one priority.

Morning Drop Off:   For all Hansel students is in the front of the building. Our Doors open at 7:15.

Please have your student ready, with their backpack and lunch box ready to exit the car when a staff member comes to your car door.

Staff members cannot buckle or unbuckle your student. They will help your student exit the car.

Please do not release your student prior to 7:15.

If you plan on walking your student to the door, you will need to park in the west parking lot.     

Please do not drop your student off in a parking lot or across the street; and please do not block our childcare drop off that is also happening in the west parking lot.

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In order to change the way your child goes home please call us at 940-482-2605.

Any ride change MUST be received by the front office prior to 2:00 each day in order for the change to be documented and shared with the teacher and student.

If you need to pick your student up early, you will need to come inside and scan your Driver’s License in order to pick them up. We ask that if you need to pick your child up early you do so prior to 3:00 in order for us to safely get them prior to their class preparing for dismissal.

If you have any questions regarding pick up or drop off procedures please contact Lyndi Stupka, Hansel Principal at 940-482-2605, or our Chief of Krum ISD Police,  Brad Curtis at 940-482-6000.

Notice Regarding Ability to Refuse Entry or Eject Certain Persons and Appeals Process

Texas Education Code 37.105 requires a school district to post the district's policy regarding refusing entry or ejecting certain persons from district property, and the process for an appeal of this action by the persons. 

Location: KISD Policy Online